Membership Requirements
All members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings and club events. Meetings are usually held on the second Friday of each month. No regular meetings are scheduled in January, February, July, and August. A summer social gathering is held in July.
Design and Horticulture
Members are encouraged to enter at least one design each year and to enter horticultural exhibits as often as possible.
Hospitality at Monthly Meetings
Members may be asked to assist with and contribute to the monthly meeting hospitality.
Bi-Meeting Flower Show and the Plant Sale
Members are expected to participate in both events.
All members serve on the Civic Committee and on at least one other committee. Sign-up sheets will be available in June or members may contact the chairs of committees.
The annual membership fee of $100 is payable June 1 and must be paid no later than June 30. New members shall pay an initiation fee of $25 for a total fee of $125. A portion of the membership fee covers membership in the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.