Accordionized Embed (click me) +
Check out the embedded content below. Click on the accordionized examples to view the content.
Most documents on our club drive can be embedded. This page shows accordion and regular embedding. Embedding makes it much easier to make changes and accordions can get a lot more information on one screen (remember - almost no one scrolls down.)
These three are in a single markdown box. It’s pretty compact but it’s a pain to edit. This can be prettier, but we should stick to one format.
Accordion Embedded Doc +
Publish document to the web and embed the link
Accordion Embedded Spreadsheet +
Accordion Embedded Slide Show +
Smooshing Works
If the underlying doc/slide/sheet/calendar is standard, they can be packed in horizontally. Clever formatting messes it up - especially docs. It is possible to have the accordion take up the entire screen, but it requires javascript and I don’t want to do it. There is a $50 plugin that will work much better.
Smooshed Accordion Embedded Calendar +
Smooshed Accordion Embedded Doc +
Super Smooshed
Possible, but silly.
Smooshed Accordion Embedded Calendar +
Smooshed Accordion Embedded Doc +
Smooshed Accordion Embedded Slide Show +
Embedded Google Doc
This has a border around the document. It looks weird when there is no border or background color - especially the scroll. The page width is complicated, but it works across devices. I like the accordian better.
Embedded Google Spreadsheet - Plain
Other than the directory, nothing else should be in this format. The directory has over 1000 bits of info, so it needs a spreadsheet.Google Spreadsheet Scroll - Green Box
The color background looks better and makes it easier to understand. The sideways scroll can be fixed. If you don't need a spreadsheet, use a table. It's more work for the author, but it's much easier for the viewer.Color Palette
an enormous pain
luminance: 0.40
luminance: 0.60
pale dogwood red
luminance: 0.61
hsl(73, 30%, 54%)9fdd86
rgb(159, 173, 102)
luminance: 0.39
luminance: 0.26